Friday, December 09, 2005

kerazy sculpture

You know what I like to do when there's no one else in the lab? Watch the photoshoot videos on the American Apparel website. Cuz I, uh, have some christmas shopping to do. Yeah, that's why. And let me say, sexual harrasement lawsuit or no, they need to add some new fucking photos to that thing. The ones they have are tired.

Tonight I command every single one of you to go to southside park the minute the sun goes down. Because the spaceship sculpture is finished and it will blow your motherfucking mind. It is covered in 10 different colors of neon and filled with aliens. If I had high-tech shit like a cameraphone I could post it. I hope someone else will.


Anonymous said...

What time does the Attick show start on Friday?


Anonymous said...

9:00 sharp!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully that gives me enough time to scarf down a burrito with my fam after landing in Sacramento!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly enough the sculpture has been drawing a partying crowd since its installation. I love the little aliens peeking out the windows.

Miss B